

Bergner and Climate Change

Bergner and Climate Change

Climate change is one of the greatest threats facing humanity today, for this reason from Bergner we have a sustainability plan supported by a series of initiatives that aim to reduce the environmental impact. 

At Bergner we are working to reduce the threat posed by climate change both internally and externally. Internally, Bergner has implemented initiatives in its offices such as the recycling of electronic waste, caps, batteries, plastic and paper in order to raise employee awareness of the seriousness of the issue. We have started to work with sustainable materials, such as recycled paperpollutant-free materials in our products, among others. 

Bergner contributes to several environmental projects #Reforesting, #SaveOurOceans #WaterForAll as well as being a signatory of sustainable initiatives such as COEPLAN #PorElClima and Manifesto for Sustainable Recovery. 
